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Building Healthy Habits

Your well-being is important to us at WIC.  We are committed to helping our clients develop lifestyle habits that build strong, healthy bodies.  During your appointments, you will not only discuss updates on you and your children's growth grids, but also discuss ways to create healthy diet and activity habits.


Why are healthy habits important?

Healthy habits

and how can WIC help me?

Developing healthy habits like being active and eating a balanced diet will help your body function well now and in the future.


WIC nutritionists help you learn about building healthy habits by discussing weight charts and providing guidance on such topics as picky eating, food intake guidelines, and physical activity recommendations.  

How do you determine a healthy weight?

Healthy weight

What makes someone's weight healthy or unhealthy is different for every person.  Your medical history, diet, activity level, etc all play a part in this.  One tool we use at WIC to begin assessing if your weight is healthy is the Body Mass Index (BMI).  This is a measurement that tells us if your weight is appropriate based on how tall you are.  WIC nutritionists review children's BMI with parents every 6 months.  They also review prenatal weight gain at follow up appointments.  This helps us start the conversation about healthy habits.  Below is a chart explaining what the BMI categories mean.   

BMI grid.png


Example of BMI chart for a 10-year-old boy

Did you know...


A BMI of 85% or more is considered overweight, and 95% or more is considered obese.  Obesity is directly linked to high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and osteoporosis

Click the buttons to see:


Explanation of BMI for Children and Teens

Explanation of BMI for Adults

BMI Chart example.png


What can I do if my or my child's BMI

is over 85% (overweight)???


Avoid These

Fast Food

foods high in fats, sugars, and salt

Refrigerated Goods

drinks with added sugar

Television Sillouhette

more than 2 hours of TV, tablet, or smartphone time


eating takeout often

Start These

Farmers Market

eat plenty of fruits and vegetables

Healthy Food

Follow the MyPlate food guide


Walking in the Woods

Get at least 1 hour of exercise daily

Glasses of Water

Make water your go-to drink


How do I start making changes to my habits?

Stages of Change

Making changes to habits takes time.  WIC nutritionists can help you set small, achievable goals which will help you improve your health.  First, let's see how ready you are to make a change using the Stages of Change chart!

Your new habit is formed!  You have no intention to return to your unhealthy habit.



You have not identified any changes you want to make in the next 6 months



You are thinking about making a healthy change (i.e - eating more vegetables, or going for more walks)



You have been keeping up with your plan for at least 6 months


You have been following your plan and intend to continue (usually within the past 6 months)


You have started to plan out how you will make your change (i.e - you will eat one more vegetable each day, or go for a walk twice per week)


The 6 Stages of Change

Is there a healthy change that you want to make?  

What stage of change do you think you are in?


WIC nutritionists can help you set goals to keep you moving through these stages of change so you can form your new, healthy habit!


We are now requiring in person appointments for children over 2 years old for whom we need height, weight, and hemoglobin data.

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